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 Posted by nike airmax  1 minute ago.  
My instincts tell me that Plame's CIA position was no secret to Miller to begin with. Considering her close ties to Chalabi, she had the motive to bring it to light. She certainly would have known how easy it would be to discredit the Joe Wilson screed, and uncover the rogue CIA elements that had decided it was their just calling to sabotage the war..I called Exemplar a friend because he,without even really knowing me, stuck up for me.That’s what friends do for friends – Duh! My brother Johnny was a very successful boxer.He never lost. Some guys, who he met just before the fight,he sized up as a potential friend and,after the fight,they were. Other guys,like the one in his last semi-pro fight,he sized up instantly as NO friend,maybe cause the guy wouldn’t stopped calling him names & goading him in the locker room just before the fight.
nike airmax

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